Pathways to Prosperity

Sustainable business is not only about your own company. It is also about your (inter)national chain. Because with your business activities you make an impact on people and the environment - in the Netherlands, but also elsewhere in the world. In the Pathways to Prosperity programme, CSR Netherlands therefore works together with Solidaridad to make sustainable and inclusive purchasing practices the norm in the coffee and textile sector.   

Impact on global chain 

In these sectors, complex challenges such as low wages, long working hours and unsafe working conditions are commonplace. In addition, fragile production systems create uncertainty and dependence on external factors such as climate change, market fluctuations and international trade policies.  

In the 'Pathways to Prosperity' project, Solidaridad is committed to promoting and expanding sustainable and inclusive procurement practices in 17 focus countries, aiming for long-term systemic change and a more balanced distribution of power. The project supports small farmers and workers to meet high market demands and encourages buying partners to adopt fair market standards, rewarding investment in fair prices and transparent chains.  

Challenges in the coffee and textile sector 

In Pathways to Prosperity, CSR Netherlands works with Solidaridad on income improvement and climate action in the coffee and textile sectors. From a new project with coffee farmers in Peru to address environmental impact to embedding sustainable procurement practices and chain cooperation with textile companies - by sharing the knowledge of the Solidaridad and CSR Netherlands networks, there is plenty of clout to make an impact within  international chains. 

"With the Pathways to Prosperity programme, we give the partners in our network access to concrete tools to make their international textile supply chain more sustainable."

Bianca Streng, CSR Netherlands

About the collaboration 

Pathways to Prosperity is an initiative of Solidaridad. At the end of 2023, CSR Netherlands joined forces with Solidaridad Europe for a multi-year cooperation with the aim of strengthening each other's activities around transparent chains and real prices. Within Pathways to Prosperity, we share best practices and lessons learned as much as possible from the partner network in order to scale up successful initiatives and join each other's events around this theme. We also pull together when it comes to lobbying activities needed to enable sustainable sourcing and fair trade practices. 

Companied by Solidaridad 

Solidaridad works towards a world where production and consumption are driven by solidarity with people, the environment and future generations. Solidaridad supports farmers, factory workers, entrepreneurs and other 'makers' worldwide with knowledge, rights, opportunities and connections. This promotes sustainable profit and helps consumers make solidarity-based choices. With the aim, that every maker receives a fair price and the planet is taken into account. In other words, profit for all.  


Want to know more about this project? Contact Britt Keunen at

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